Presently there a variety of companies that supply cloud computing designed for businesses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is definitely offering all models of a commonly used cloud computing. The terminology “Web Services” is just applied to computer programming technically view.. Through AWS you make payment for whatever you make use of. This referred to as consumption pricing
For instance, Fortune 500 companies produce an intense volume of employees. In the event that they want to store information on a third party server, subsequently spending money on the time they use and the measure of storage area used that can be costly. In return, this will cause any organization to not manage to grasp all of the benefits that can come with choosing cloud computing.
Cloud computing using SharePoint is easily the most successful platform every fortune 500 companies is involved with. SharePoint In fact, may be implemented in many varieties of Cloud computing. SharePoint benefits go beyond that of AWS. This initial getting the SharePoint platform can appear a bit overwhelming. The ROI for any company is worth the financial commitment.
The “cloud” is actually short pertaining to cloud computing. It's a third party sever that stores records on the internet. Presently there are normally three models: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) , SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service).
IaaS: Understood as Infrastructure as a Service. By means of IaaS you are able to obtain accounts with your own infrastructure located in their datacenters.
Saas: Defined as Software as a Service is commonly used by organizations. It is essentially Software saved in the actual cloud, not locally.
PaaS: Known as Platform as a Service. Whenever a cloud supplier may not provide you admittance to your current infrastructure, then you will only use SharePoint by way of your current internet browser.
The actual funding of the SharePoint platform is definitely significantly intertwined together with Cloud Computing. Cloud computing is ideal for individuals to access specified sites anyplace that Wi-Fi can be acquired. Commonly well-known webpages stored with in the actual cloud will be that of Facebook, Twitter, Insatgram, etc. All of those sites is actually put away inside the cloud. They are properly secured, ordered, capable to instantly connect with other individuals. Each of those sites has a specified purpose. SharePoint's specific objective and focus are solely pertaining to firms. SharePoint is highly secured, organized and able to readily come in contact with other individuals.
SAAS and PaaS is great for this company and connection with workers along with other agencies. Fortune 500 companies have to have ways to get incredibly well organized. The benefit of getting software recorded inside the cloud above retaining the item locally is certainly immense. Time conserved with the repetitive job of contacting different individuals who need to have copies of specified information is decreased. Documentation even minimizes. Work that is carried out is without question located in the catering company web page. Individuals with the proper accessibility have the ability to acquire this information and facts saved in a very safe web-site. The PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) reduces frustration because all information will be placed in a particular safe browser. With extranet and SharePoint it is possible to distribute, on the safeguarded site, specifics needed to collaborate together with an extra firm.
Through SharePoint the needed cooperation, with a company together with other companies, becomes a much easier challenge. SharePoint is the most highly effective platform over the world, which assists to organization install its features inside several cloud computing versions. The positives SharePoint have within the platform, all round, surpass firms that are similar.
There is definitely an great sum of information and facts to become recognized pertaining to SharePoint. Go on to research the features of the things SharePoint has to offer. click here to Learn more. If you have any input, click here.
Hannah Ruth Frandsen
A.K.A MOST WONDERFUL daUgHTer, sISteR, aUNt, fRIeNd, sEcREt keEPer AND mY aDVenTuREs!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Sunday Adventures
We went to Russ and Christie's ward. The talks were wonderful in sacrament meeting. A family that had recently joined the church told of their personal story and testimonies. I learned a lot listening to them. The boy spoke about going to Italy recently with a choir. Eva was in that choir. She had returned home very recently and her sleeping schedule was not yet back to normal. It was nice to see Eva and get to talk to her. She is a remarkable young women. She is definitely going to go places with her life. I can't wait to see where her life goes.
What we call our Libby picture. It reminds me of something Libs would like. I think Lafe did a GREAT job!


Lafe.... being Lafe. I love it!

Yep my little brother is model!

Not sure who took the nature pics but we both really liked the lilies, turtles, and fish!

Trying to figure out how to make the flash go away... We did become successful after many tries

All of the gardens were just beautiful

Lafe... The next family photographer
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
California Relatives
Saturday night we arrived at Russ and Christie's. We took a tour of the 'new' house. There was a lot of redoing for the wedding! It looked great! I wish I could have seen the finished products at the actual wedding. From pictures it looks absolutely AMAZING!
That night, after dinner, Uncle Russ asked Lafe and I if we wanted to go to Hollywood. I had to practically PUSH my Dad out the door. With a tired pops, Uncle Russ, Dad, Lafey and myself were headed to Hollywood. Uncle Russ explained everything as we passed. I told him he was just like my dad. He knew everything about everything we were passing. My dad is always telling us about the story of what we are passing in the car. It was a Saturday night in Hollywood so it was pretty crowded. Dad, Lafe and myself got out of the car while Uncle Russ stayed in the car and waited out the traffic. Thank you uncle Russ. Here are a few pictures of out adventures in Hollywood!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Spring Break
My mom was talking about their plans for Lafe's spring break. Disneyland with Paul and AMy's family then Arizona to the Dj and Libby's family. No where did she ask me if I wanted to come I had to ASK if I could come on this family trip!! Can you believe it??? I mean Disneyland with the nieces and nephews... HELLO that screams Aunt Hannah all over! PLUS then getting to see my pregnant sister, her adorable son & husband that I never get to see.... YES I WANT TO COME!!!! My parents said yes. I asked for dates and went straight to work to write in the time off book that I was going on a family vacation for one week!!!
I was counting the weeks then days to when we were going! I do not think I have been this excited for a family trip since, well, never! The night before we left Dad agreed to Lafe and my own plans over his IF Lafe and I were all packed and ready to go by 8 a.m. I was up at 6:30 a.m. to shower & make sure I had everything thing packed. by 8 a.m. I was upstairs ready to take off. My parents were not. My Dad was running and my mom was cleaning.Lafey was at choir expecting us to pick him up at eight. I went downstairs to make sure my room was completely clean. At nine the packing and cleaning were still not done. I went to go get Lafey from choir. At ten we were finally ready to go. Those of you who know my Dad he is not in the most wonderful state of mind if we are not ready to go by the set time. Getting off two hours late was not his favorite thing. Lafe had to do some garbages and other getting ready activities which did not make him the most happy. Mom was in an eh mood. I on the other could not have been more excited about this trip! I was singing and dancing. I would be so excited to Lafey and he would come back with some sly remark while trying to stay in a bad mood. (Lafey secretly loves when I being a nerd, he just has to act like he is cooler then that.) Dad was feeling really badly. He felt like no matter what he did he was the bad guy. Most of the time my dad does not always tell us when he is feeling this way. He couldn't hide it this time. Tears were coming down his face. I asked him what was wrong. He told us all. I may have felt sad that my Dad felt that way and I may have cried some tears for him. This changed the whole mood. I believe this is where the trip become truly positive. So, thank you Dad for letting us know how you felt.
This is how this trip started. I will be posting this trip in many different posts. That way they will not be TOO long for you to read. And I know you will be dying to come back and read more about the adventure of spring break!
Goodbye for now!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I am the luckiest girl ever!! I got to go to California to spend a weekend with Paul, Amy and the kids! It was wonderful... Paul works so hard, not only at his official job but at being a dad:) He loves his kids!
One night I was putting Michael to bed and as we said Amen to saying his prayers Paul was at the door. He told Michael that mom had given Micheal permission to watch the first half of the Jazz game together!! I thought that was so cute, it made me smile:) Paul loves to spend time with Michael they have such an awesome relationship and I love watching them together! Paul is also so good with the girlies! All three of them...He treats them like Princess so they believe they are princesses AND IT IS ADORABLE! The kiddos are lucky to have Pauliana as a dad!
Amy is utterly amazing! I do not know how she does what she does. Time after time I am amazed with the patients that she has for her kids. They cry, she listens to their sad story... They yell, she calms them... They disobey, she understands... They do not understand, she explains... They make messes, she cleans them up... They complain, she looks past it... but most of all they love their mom and she loves them. Everyday Amy is enjoying her kids. She can see that the time she has with them if important and going by fast so she takes advantage of it. Every time I am around Amy I learn valuable things. She is consistent and reliable! I am so glad she is in my family and I am so blessed to have her in my life! I love you Amy!!
Bekah is a spicy, cute, fun, loving, demandable, observant and a tease!! She loves to tease me. I would ask her for hugs and she would run towards me and right before she would give me a hug she would laugh and turn the other way, it was adorable!!! Even before she went to bed she wouldn't give me a full on hug. But I love her and do not think I am capable of ever getting mad at her! She is also a sweet little girl. She is observant of most things! She asks questions all the time:) she is always learning! I just love being around her!!
Abby has the sweetest voice and laugh! She is full of hugs! She is also a tease though. She would do the same thing as Bekah at fist then I would give her a sad face and she would laugh and come give me a big hug! She is such a happy girl right now! She loves Bekah and always asks where she is... She loves to play with her. Sometimes Bekah likes to take her stuff and Abby gets mad for a minute then she will forget about it if you can distract her:) I loved being with Abby everyday also!
I also loved being with Michael. I thought about Amys post about Michael being a little man. It is very true. He is very helpful with the girls for the most part and always willing to help his Mom. He is very helpful with Ella. He loves to make Ella laugh and Ella loves it! Michael loves to tell about all these HUGE numbers I have never even heard of! I am glad I got to learn those numbers with him! He is so fun with sports he loves to tell you scores of games, he always has a game going on in his head! He is always thinking and learning I am amazed at how smart and grown up he is!!
And then there is Ella. What a good little baby! For the most part she is calm. Sometimes she will demand attention but she is mostly easy going. I was amazed that she would stay with me around Mom. It was so fun! I got to hold her for two hours at church and she fell asleep in my arms. I was so sweet to watch her sleep. And then when she woke up she was so curious about everything and full of smiles! She is usually full of smiles:)
Thanks Paul and Amy for letting me come stay at your home! Having an extra person in the house is not always easy but I appreciate it so much! I will miss you guys this summer and am sad I will not get to be in on the seven peaks adventures! Maybe when I come home in June I will get to go once and see your house!!! CAUSE YOU WILL BE MOVED IN YAY!!!!! I am excited that you will be here in Utah for now on!! I will have to baby sit the kids for you and maybe, if Aaron will allow it, I can also baby sit Aaron and you and Jonny and Mel can all have a fun night together!! That won't be for a while since I will be gone for the summer!
Speaking of being gone for the summer I am also the luckiest girl because I get to go spend an entire summer with Stevie!! Yes I know everyone is jealous! Who wouldn't want to spend a summer with him! And also in New York! Thanks Stephen for letting me come stay with you! I hope that you won't regret it. I am very excited!!!:) May 5th baby! and Happy birthday to you Paul on the day I leave!
I am also the luckiest girl because I got to spend time with Libby and Mack... and a little time with Dj and his family! Libby picked me up from the airport Tuesday when I got in. I got in around ten which is about midnight her time so she was very tired. But I am glad that you picked me up Libs. I loved talking with you about music and life. I love you so much and already miss you. I hope that you have had a good time while in Nevada and Utah!
Mack is adorable!! He lets me hold him:) and sometimes he will even laugh!! I decided he likes me very much. He is a chubby little baby but it is very very very cute. He is a very good little baby. We drove to Las Vegas with him. We left at about 11 a.m. and got into Vegas about 7 p.m. He only had two real out breaks! But even during those little sessions he was still cute:) Libs and Deej love him very much!
Dj I don't think I have ever told you how glad I am that you are in our family. I love watching you with Libby. You love her so much. You are the best thing, besides Mack, that has happened to her. You are such a fun guy to be around. I do not think I have seen you ever upset. Even at times like when Libby has to buy a new stroller you had a very good reaction. Libby needed someone like you. I am excited to get to know you more! and to come visit you and libs this summer. I also love your family. They are fun to be around just like you! You are all easy to talk to and make people feel welcome! You have always been really nice to me also. It was fun going to dinner with your parents. I wish that we could get together as families a little more!
Jonny and Mel it was good seeing you at Katies shower! Aaron is so cute and has such a strong personality. He is also a good little boy! He is growing growing growing!! I will have to come spend time at your house so you guys will have to endure me also like every other sibling! and then maybe Aaron will get more use to me and let me hold him:) I love you guys!!!
And the last reason why I am the luckiest girl is because I have a loving little brother and two great parents!! thanks Mom and Dad for all you do for me! I would probably be homeless and very uncared for with out you two! Thanks for giving me options! And Lafey I love being with you! You are doing so well with sports keep it up bud. I am sad I will not be here for your games this summer. I know you will do well though! I love you.
I have the best family in the whole world!! I don't know how many people will actually read this it is very long! but I could not make it shorter there is a lot more I could write!! But I just want you to know I love you very much and thanks for being there for me:) I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE YOU AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!:) and you love me:) hehe
One night I was putting Michael to bed and as we said Amen to saying his prayers Paul was at the door. He told Michael that mom had given Micheal permission to watch the first half of the Jazz game together!! I thought that was so cute, it made me smile:) Paul loves to spend time with Michael they have such an awesome relationship and I love watching them together! Paul is also so good with the girlies! All three of them...He treats them like Princess so they believe they are princesses AND IT IS ADORABLE! The kiddos are lucky to have Pauliana as a dad!
Amy is utterly amazing! I do not know how she does what she does. Time after time I am amazed with the patients that she has for her kids. They cry, she listens to their sad story... They yell, she calms them... They disobey, she understands... They do not understand, she explains... They make messes, she cleans them up... They complain, she looks past it... but most of all they love their mom and she loves them. Everyday Amy is enjoying her kids. She can see that the time she has with them if important and going by fast so she takes advantage of it. Every time I am around Amy I learn valuable things. She is consistent and reliable! I am so glad she is in my family and I am so blessed to have her in my life! I love you Amy!!
Bekah is a spicy, cute, fun, loving, demandable, observant and a tease!! She loves to tease me. I would ask her for hugs and she would run towards me and right before she would give me a hug she would laugh and turn the other way, it was adorable!!! Even before she went to bed she wouldn't give me a full on hug. But I love her and do not think I am capable of ever getting mad at her! She is also a sweet little girl. She is observant of most things! She asks questions all the time:) she is always learning! I just love being around her!!
Abby has the sweetest voice and laugh! She is full of hugs! She is also a tease though. She would do the same thing as Bekah at fist then I would give her a sad face and she would laugh and come give me a big hug! She is such a happy girl right now! She loves Bekah and always asks where she is... She loves to play with her. Sometimes Bekah likes to take her stuff and Abby gets mad for a minute then she will forget about it if you can distract her:) I loved being with Abby everyday also!
I also loved being with Michael. I thought about Amys post about Michael being a little man. It is very true. He is very helpful with the girls for the most part and always willing to help his Mom. He is very helpful with Ella. He loves to make Ella laugh and Ella loves it! Michael loves to tell about all these HUGE numbers I have never even heard of! I am glad I got to learn those numbers with him! He is so fun with sports he loves to tell you scores of games, he always has a game going on in his head! He is always thinking and learning I am amazed at how smart and grown up he is!!
And then there is Ella. What a good little baby! For the most part she is calm. Sometimes she will demand attention but she is mostly easy going. I was amazed that she would stay with me around Mom. It was so fun! I got to hold her for two hours at church and she fell asleep in my arms. I was so sweet to watch her sleep. And then when she woke up she was so curious about everything and full of smiles! She is usually full of smiles:)
Thanks Paul and Amy for letting me come stay at your home! Having an extra person in the house is not always easy but I appreciate it so much! I will miss you guys this summer and am sad I will not get to be in on the seven peaks adventures! Maybe when I come home in June I will get to go once and see your house!!! CAUSE YOU WILL BE MOVED IN YAY!!!!! I am excited that you will be here in Utah for now on!! I will have to baby sit the kids for you and maybe, if Aaron will allow it, I can also baby sit Aaron and you and Jonny and Mel can all have a fun night together!! That won't be for a while since I will be gone for the summer!
Speaking of being gone for the summer I am also the luckiest girl because I get to go spend an entire summer with Stevie!! Yes I know everyone is jealous! Who wouldn't want to spend a summer with him! And also in New York! Thanks Stephen for letting me come stay with you! I hope that you won't regret it. I am very excited!!!:) May 5th baby! and Happy birthday to you Paul on the day I leave!
I am also the luckiest girl because I got to spend time with Libby and Mack... and a little time with Dj and his family! Libby picked me up from the airport Tuesday when I got in. I got in around ten which is about midnight her time so she was very tired. But I am glad that you picked me up Libs. I loved talking with you about music and life. I love you so much and already miss you. I hope that you have had a good time while in Nevada and Utah!
Mack is adorable!! He lets me hold him:) and sometimes he will even laugh!! I decided he likes me very much. He is a chubby little baby but it is very very very cute. He is a very good little baby. We drove to Las Vegas with him. We left at about 11 a.m. and got into Vegas about 7 p.m. He only had two real out breaks! But even during those little sessions he was still cute:) Libs and Deej love him very much!
Dj I don't think I have ever told you how glad I am that you are in our family. I love watching you with Libby. You love her so much. You are the best thing, besides Mack, that has happened to her. You are such a fun guy to be around. I do not think I have seen you ever upset. Even at times like when Libby has to buy a new stroller you had a very good reaction. Libby needed someone like you. I am excited to get to know you more! and to come visit you and libs this summer. I also love your family. They are fun to be around just like you! You are all easy to talk to and make people feel welcome! You have always been really nice to me also. It was fun going to dinner with your parents. I wish that we could get together as families a little more!
Jonny and Mel it was good seeing you at Katies shower! Aaron is so cute and has such a strong personality. He is also a good little boy! He is growing growing growing!! I will have to come spend time at your house so you guys will have to endure me also like every other sibling! and then maybe Aaron will get more use to me and let me hold him:) I love you guys!!!
And the last reason why I am the luckiest girl is because I have a loving little brother and two great parents!! thanks Mom and Dad for all you do for me! I would probably be homeless and very uncared for with out you two! Thanks for giving me options! And Lafey I love being with you! You are doing so well with sports keep it up bud. I am sad I will not be here for your games this summer. I know you will do well though! I love you.
I have the best family in the whole world!! I don't know how many people will actually read this it is very long! but I could not make it shorter there is a lot more I could write!! But I just want you to know I love you very much and thanks for being there for me:) I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE YOU AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!:) and you love me:) hehe
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I Love My Family
This week has been wonderful! Last weekend Paul, Stephen, Amy, Michael, Abby, Bekah, and Ella were all here! Paul left on sunday morning. Stephen left on Tuesday. Amy and the kids have been here all week and are still here!! Jonny, Mel, and Aaron came for conference this weekend. It was lots of fun being with everyone. Paul comes tomorrow night!! YAY!! I am sure Amy is very very very excited! I mean we all are but Amy sure does miss him. This week has been wonderful with them here. I wish they could just live with us, unfortunately they can't.
Amy is such a wonderful mother. She has so much patients with her kids. This WHOLE week I have only actually seen her be frustrated or tired three times. BUT even in those times she is still so wonderful with her children! She is such a wonderful example to me. I am so lucky to have her as my sister in law. She really does care about me. She is always making sure that things are going ok in my life and she is not annoying about it. I love the friendship that has grown between us. Thanks for everything Amy!!
Also I would like to say thanks to Mel. She has been amazing through everything with Aaron. She loves him so much. Just today thinking about my son not hearing anything and just watching was breaking my heart. I had just thought about how strong Jonny and Mel are. They have not complained. They have been sad but they have not complained for themselves. They are not sad because they had a son that could not hear but they have been sad for Aaron. They just love him. Aaron is so blessed to have them as parents. I watch Mel just do little signs to Aaron for him to understand. And amazingly he does. I would have no idea how to even begin to teach someone so small and precious things that seem to be so complex. But Mel and Jonny have faith in Aaron. I have such amazing sister in laws. My brothers are very lucky! Be grateful Jonny and Paul:)
Paul is an amazing Dad though. He is so wonderful with Michael. They have such a neat relationship! And wow he is so great with his little girls! He treats them like princesses! And Jonny is the one that lets Melinda know that it is ok. This is their first baby and Mel is just so worried, not that Jonny is not, but sometimes she just needs someone to tell her its ok. You are all amazing!
Libby and Dj I wish that you could have been here this weekend so I could watch you with Mack. I miss you a lot. I love the phone calls Libs! and Dj we need to start talking on the phone! But I do know that Dj is the most wonderful person for Libby. I am also very glad that he is in our family! And I miss Libby a lot. Hopefully I will get to see her this summer.
And stephen I am coming to live with you this summer!!!! At least that is what I have decided in my head for the last three days. There is a possibility it could change but my answer is almost a positive yes. There a just a few doubts... But I am very excited! I love you Stephen and thank you for wanting me to come and live with you:)! I love you lots!
Mom Dad and Lafe I am going to miss you a lot this summer. I am very sad that I will not get to go to Seven Peaks with everyone! Mom and Dad thanks for all the support that you have given me this past year in my life! And lafey I love you! dont you ever ever forget it!! Well It is getting late and I still have things to do! I love you family! Thanks for loving me too and always being there for me:)
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