Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I must admit that this Halloween was not the most exciting. I went to my high schools state football game with a friend because she did not want to go alone. It started at four and we were home by about eight. That was actually a lot of fun. I called my best friend to see what she was up to. She was just going to watch scary movies at her apartment. That sounded nice to me becuase I did not really want to dress up. I went there and we watched Red Eye. That is actually a pretty intense show. I must say I am not a fan. BUT for some reason when I got there I decided to not be in a very good mood. I did not really want to have conversations with anyone. Also there is this kid that lives on the same floor as her and he DRIVES ME INSANE!!!! He kept trying to talk and flirt with me. I kept trying to not talk or flirt with him but he does not get the point! I made my friend come talk to me so I would not have to be bothered by him. That still did not work. During the second movie we watched he dicided to text me! HE WAS IN THE SAME ROOM! I did not text back until about the third text he sent in which I said I am trying to watch the movie sorry we will talk later. I left right before the movie was over so I could avoid him. Then he called me. All I can say is wow. I did not answer, he left a voice mail. He still tries to text me. I still have not replied. Hopefully he will get the hint VERY SOON! So that was my Halloween.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Educating in Zion

The section that stuck out to me most was C. From Academy to University. There were stories of a man named Delbert Brown who helped individual students out. He really cared about them and wanted the best for them. He did not know them personally, but he knew their life was just as important as his.
Also there were two quotes that stuck out to me. One by President Hinckley saying to not focus on the mistakes and flaws of those who have built the University but rather there accomplishments. There flaws are small compared to that. The other quote talked about how a teacher should not do anything for a student they can do on their own. And that reminded me our Father in Heaven. He will not do anything for us if we are able to do it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I was able to be in the parade for BYU Cheer. It was a lot of fun. We had some alumni cheer come back and it was a lot of fun to see them cheer and how excited they were. I love saying hi to the little kids because they get so excited. Also I love being with Cosmo during the parades. I feel special because everyone will cheer really loud and we think it is for the cheerleaders and then we realize that Cosmo is right there. It was neat to be able to be apart of this parade. There were more people that came then I thought would. It was kind of early and cold. It was neat to see BYU supporters out there. I love all the older people that come. They are so fun to interact with! This was really fun to participate in.


My Favorite talk with President Monsons talk that told about the little boy who crossed the stream at night when he knew he shouldn't. This stood out to me because the little boy really thought that going to get the cow was good. He thought it was the best thing at that time diapite the warning of his father. In some ways it reminded me of myself. Listening to my parents and doing what they say always makes me happy. Also, listening my Father in Heaven brings happiness. There are times when I feel like something should be done or I know the better answer, but the lord tells me otherwise. When I go against that counsel I fell scared and alone. Just like the little boys father, I know my Father here on earth and in Heaven would rescue me even though I went against their word. Their love for me is undying. It made me realize how blessed I am. This talk is something I still think about everyday. I love conference so much. It is always hard to choose a favorite, but this on really made an impression on me.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Surprises and My BYU experience

I did not think that getting up for an eight or nine o' clock class would be so difficult. I had early morning classes all through high school and it was fine, but now it is a little bit challenging. I just want to stay in bed! Sometimes 11 feels too early. But it is good for me because I really have to make myself do it. There is nobody there to tell me what to do and I love being able to make that decision on my own. I feel so good when I push myself to do something i really do not want to do.
I was also really nervous to live with two girls I did not know. I have been surprised at how easy it has been and how well we get along! I was nervous they would not like me or that they would really get on my nerves. But that has not happened at all. We all get a long really well and are becoming really good friends. I am really excited to get to know them more.
The BYU experience has been nothing but good for me. I am finding things out about myself I never knew. Also I love having the gosple involved with learning. At first it was really strange, but it has actually really helped me. It is nice to be able to be open about religion with out thinking that you are going get in trouble for mentioning it. Byu has been a lot of fun so far. I am only hoping it gets better!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Adventure

I have been sick this whole week. I have tonsilitus and a fever of 102.9 I was not really able to have an adventure. But Thursday morning I was able to do lots of tricks into the foam pit even though I was sick, so that is what I am counting as my adventure! And I met a lot of the gynastics team which I have ALWAYS wanted to do!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Healing Pool

This picture means a lot to me. Everytime I come here I always stop and look at this picture. To me the word patience pops into my head. Each time I look at this picture it means something different. At time in my life it reminds me that I need to do things on the Lords time, not my own time. Also to be obsevent, i may be recieving blessings or answers to a prayer but becasue i am not paying attenttion or listening to the Lord I may miss what He is trying to tell me, or not realize the blessings the Lord gives me.